Internship — Week 02

At Intrépide Studio

Daniel Lucas
6 min readNov 28, 2020

Welcome back to Week2 of my internship report!

link to image

After an educational week with whole new experiences, another one is launching. I hope that you enjoy and are learning somethings too while reading my experience. Grab a hot drink and enjoy the lecture!

Missed First internship report?

Writing a manual on how to edit on WP | 23/11

On Monday morning, spend some time writing the internship report of the first week, and after 30 minutes to an hour,

Mr.Pierret instructed me to conduct a Manuel on editing the content on WordPress for “lady green.”

One page example of the Manuel

This Manuel explains :

  • How to connect to your WordPress Dashboard.
  • How to manage your content without harming the design of your web site.
  • How to add/edit every content type like text, image, etc.

Unfortunately, I can’t share the docs with you because it contains Intrépide’s client's confidential information. However, finishing the Manuel took me the whole day since I did my best to screenshot and highlight important steps. As a result, the client will have an easy go through every time he or she has to manage his/her WordPress.

Continuing “Welgaume” project | 24/11

Tuesday, I quickly updated Ladygreen’s menu for this week and then continued working on the “welgaume” project. The main objectify of this project is to render this website into a dynamic one so that when the client wants to add/edit a “Gîte” or “Gite’s” content, he will be able to do so. Once dynamizing the website is completed, a restyling is foreseen that the designers conserved and was approved by the client.

As I was coding, great help was this special command.

echo "<pre>"; var_dump($timber_post); die(); See picture beneath.

post_type list to read & identify post_type properties
Using twig to implement dynamic locations of the website.

Thanks to this command, I get this awesome list to see my post fields' names if they contain the right information or content. Today I encountered many errors and had to solve them. One of them took me quite some time to solve. The gallery next button wasn’t working. This bug existed because I didn’t realize that every image contained a“.active” class.

At the end of the day, I had to ask for help quite often and am not too happy. However, I am learning, and that’s what really matters. I am convinced in a month or two, this won’t happen nearly as often.

In addition to this, my supervisor saw that I was stressing out because I thought I wasn’t very helpful that I should worry and take one step at a time.

Adding translated page (FR to NL) | 25/11

Today the main focus is to translate de Gite (my ACF) pages and learn how this WPML WordPress plugin works. So I got some instructions and then had to manage to get some results alone if possible.

To successfully translate the page, I have to have the plugin “ACF WPML” installed first. However, this was already the case for me. Once installed, I made sure it was active, and from there, I had to translate the ACF’s and the static content in the code. I started with the static code were I had to warp my french text content, similar to this;

´{{ __(‘Bonjour je suis le text français’) }}´

With this syntax, the plugin can detect the content that it has to translate. Once this is done in the WP Dashboard, I had the content I just warped and which I need to translate manually. Once the changes are saved, those spots of static content will be translated.

With that done, it only leaves us to go to the ACF’s and allow them to be translated by checking a check box that says ‘allow translation.’ After this, a ‘gear’ icon appears on the gite page. I had to click on it and could start adding the translation manually again.

Fix bugs and create a quick tutorial | 26/11

On Thursday, I spend a reasonable amount of time fixing bugs. Which one of them was that the Pictures of the website weren’t displayed on the NL page. Before resolving the issue, I was asked to create a quick tutorial on adding an HTML Signature in outlook on pc. So I found this tutorial on this link, and it was quite easy for me to execute it.

After I managed to do it, I then opened OBS Studio; OBS is a streaming or recording Interface that is open source. I started to prepare the necessary tools to manage to record the tutorial proceedings as fluid as possible.

After the recording, I jumped into resolving my picture problem and didn't manage to resolve it independently. My supervisor did, and he just told me that sometimes you have to play with the configurations to make stuff work. Meaning that I was too afraid to do chaos and couldn’t configure the images and permission accordingly.

As a result, I was now finished with everything that concerned the website's content's functionality or dynamics. My supervisor and I started to analyze the design to plan how to integrate the style. And I had little time to start actually to code, so the styling was moved to Friday.

Styling the homepage| 27/11


On Friday, I started the home page HTML from scratch. So I can easily give it the new design's proper structure. After this was done, I searched for a way to add the new circle images. Initially, I thought that I had to give the src the path to the image, but I forgot I had to do the same as on the single-gite.twig file. So I did manage that the image file was found, but it is the same for both, and we don’t want that. However, I didn’t want to focus on fixing that just yet, so I started to code CSS.

I am happy with how it is starting to resemble the design file. At this point, Friday is already over, and it is leaving me with the responsive and the image fixing in my ‘to do’ list.

Final words of the week

I’m noticing I really like what I’m doing until now. I have no problem waking up in the morning doing this intern job. It might be because it's new and exciting, but I also know that the “Web” domain is vast, and I have a lot of versatility to offer. As a result, I am confident that it's this career I want to pursue!



Daniel Lucas

Graduated in Computer Graphics, oriented in Web & Mobile Design at HEAJ Belgium