Internship — Week 04

At Intrépide Studio

Daniel Lucas
6 min readDec 10, 2020

Haven’t read the previous articles?

Week 1/Week 2/Week 3

Add a config necessary plugins| 07/12

Welgaume’s web site integration is almost finished. I have to solve 2 issues: the eight picture gallery is not behaving responsive, and the other is to check and translate the Netherlandish version of the web site.


Far left:desktop / Middel: tablette /far right : mobile

Responsive behavior ignored
responsive behavior respected

Translations NL

Adding Netherlandish translations

In the afternoon, I added and configured WordPress plugins like;

  • Adminimize
  • All in One WP Security
  • Better search replace
  • ManageWP — Worker
  • Updraft Plus
  • Yoast SEO
  • Cookie-notice (Where is added custom style per CSS)
customized cookie-bar

My Superiors feed-back / corrections| 08/12

Some of my superiors feed-back

I started Tuesday with the necessary corrections. Most of these are too much or too little paddings/margins since I forgot to take the line-height into account when spacing text.

And then were the bigger issues like mobile menu not opening correctly. Buttons don’t have transition animation on hover.

This one seemed easy to fix, but I hadn’t realized that CSS gradients are not compatible with CSS transitions yet. So I had to talk to ur designer to change the hover behavior from dark blue to a darker green.

left: old hover(no transition) | middle: normal state (nohover) | right: new hover (with transion)

Corrections are done | 09/12

Sometime After lunch, I finished all the corrections. My supervisor took some time to explain some basics of “DNS” to understand how he launched the preproduction project. I understand now that DNS stands for “Domain Name System” and converts an IP address to a String linked to the respective Owner or company. I also know now the difference between IPv4 and IPv6.


Have a structure like this :

“xxx” going from 0 to 255 |meaning having 256 possibilities (including 0 in count)

This is 32 bits and gives us 4.3 billion unique IP addresses, which seems like a lot but considering that everyone has a smartphone and a laptop or PC, this already makes 2 IP addresses for one person. Taking into account every person that probably owns more than 2devices that can connect to the internet. This makes the 4.3 billion unique IP addresses seem small. Therefore we have IPv6.


have structure like this : XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX

Which is 128bits that enables to reach 340.282.366.920.938.463.463.374.607.431.768.211.456 unique Ip addresses. Which is a whole lot more.

In DNS, he explained to me that the “type” ;

  • A stand for Adress like IP Adress
  • Mx is for email domains
  • and TXT is for a text that can be used to store security keys to confirm further that u are the rightful owner of this domain.

Last bug fixes | 10/12

This morning on the home page, the menu button wasn’t opening, so I had to fix this. This happens because the scripts weren’t added in the footer.

left overwrites with nothing/right overwrites footer with necessary scripts in the footer

Some little issues with the width of some text blocks were fixed by either a max-width: 100% or changing container width to “auto.”

left: width : +/- 42vw | right: width: auto

After this was done, I took some time to complete this article you’re currently reading.

After lunch, I backed up my project on WordPress thanks to Updraft Plus plugin. Once this was done, I m ready to follow the following instruction. My supervisor left me to have everything set up to lunch the FTP website.

  1. change “” to “” in etc/hosts”
  2. change vhost apache to “”
  3. restart apache

Now we are ready to set this web site in the FTP

  1. export MySQL database (manual back up)
  2. set files in FTP

Now the website is online by the name of

WP permissions and Tutorial writing | 11/12

On Friday, as I wrote de tutorial on the content management of “Welgaume” on WordPress. The writing went rather fluently since I had already done one on “Ladygreen.”

However, I noticed some issues in the WordPress of the client account. He had too many permissions on some things, and some permissions that he should have that are not getting noticed by WordPress.

For instance, in this picture, you can see the side menu and

  • Articles
  • Comments
  • Tools

It should not be displayed on this menu.

Besides, in “Gites,” by pressing the icon underneath the Netherlansih flag, the page should bring the user to the translations page of the “Gite.” However, this is not the case; rather, the WP plugin is telling that the translations are done and enable the user to make any changes.

left: Gite page with icon | right: translation page

However, before lunch, my supervisor found why this does not work, but it demanded that I suspend my previous translations and add them as the “editor” rather as “admin.” Admin changes will be prioritized to the editor, and therefore changes will be impossible.

Regardless I can’t continue fixing this issue since we will have to make changes to the database that is on the FTP already. Meaning its sensitive content. In an ideal case, I should have noticed this issue before uploading everything to the FTP. I guess this happens when u still learning.

Week 4 is almost over, and there is still much to learn and much room to improve. I’m happy with my progression, and I’ll continue to give it my very best!



Daniel Lucas

Graduated in Computer Graphics, oriented in Web & Mobile Design at HEAJ Belgium